20 & Back Time Travel

The most well known form of tour of duty within the secret space programs is the 20 & back program. This term has already been popularized by a number whistle blowers that have already come forward, and describes the process by which the programs funnel new recruits into a 20 year tour of duty. In many cases, the individual’s consciousness is inserted into another body at the beginning of the tour, and then returned back to the original body and time period at which they were taken using time-space manipulations. 

The 20 & back methodology is the oldest form of time travel and almost acts as the “Model T” when it comes to time travel protocols. Pioneering explorations into time travel revealed that time naturally flows on earth at a natural rhythm of 20 years. Due to this characteristic, this made time travel most ideal for traveling both forward and backwards in time in 20 year increments. Of course today, it is possible to time travel in smaller increments as necessary, however this does typically require more sophisticated mechanics and techniques in order to safely navigate. 

According to Peter the Insider, the natural 20 year time traveling cycle is a rhythm specific to the earth and is closely tied to the earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency, otherwise known as the Schumann Resonance. In recent years, with the growth of advanced industrial electronics, mass electromagnetic pollution has become widespread on the planet. This has had the effect of disrupting the earth’s natural frequency, therefore causing disruptions with many of the earth’s natural phenomenon which has indirectly led to various natural disasters and overall damage to the environment. 

Contrary to popular belief, the 20 & back methodology dates much further back in history, with earliest documentation of the technology dating back to the ancient Sumerian empire approximately 7,000 years ago in modern day Iraq.  It is well known by the ACIO that the ancient Sumerians were in close contact with a human/alien hybrid race from another context of existence with access to advanced time travel technology who successfully manipulated our reality to their own advantage. 

This hybrid group conditioned the human civilizations into adopting a misleading and rudimentary understanding of time involving just the past, present, and future. This generic view still survives to this day, however is very inaccurate in that the true structure and nature of time is far more complex.The linear model of time completely fails to account for the multitude of unique potential timelines that can transpire and manifest as a result of the choices of different individuals in the field. Each tiny decision made surrounding an event can easily shift future outcomes to such an extreme extent to where you can have countless divergent timelines all existing at the same time. 

Partial Step Time Travelling Protocols

According to the ACIO, it is known that as early as 6000 years ago, advanced human civilizations were able to uncover more sophisticated methods of time travel that allowed them to traverse time periods in more granular segments such as 5, 10, and 15 years. This protocol was referred to as a “partial step” in time travel, while a “full step” would be the full 20 year segment. As mentioned earlier, the simplest and most basic form of time travel was limited to 20 year jumps forward and backwards in time since the 20 year segments corresponded with the natural rhythm of time on earth. However, it turned out that certain locations on the planet yielded both time and energetic anomalies that allowed for the safe execution of a partial step time jump. These location anomalies would then become areas of high strategic importance, often located on both tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the equator, and both north and south poles. 

Naturally, any form of partial step time travel offers greater risk due to breaking away from the natural cycle and requires more sophisticated methods. However if traveling in 20 year cycles is not an option for a mission, then jumping in 10 year cycles is the next safest option while 5 and 15 year jumps offer the greatest risk and is generally avoided by mission planners. If a time traveler is sent through time through multiple cycles of time using partial step protocols, this can yield disastrous results where the crew can end up in the wrong context of existence and even cause a complete tearing and breakdown of the entire context in more extreme situations. 

Recruitment into the Projects

A key priority for the special programs for time traveling missions is the proper criteria and selection of recruits and mission operatives. There are 2 different groups that are typically prioritized for the special projects. 

The 1st group includes soldiers and members of elite military units typically involved in highly classified and sensitive missions. The 2nd group of people are typically personnel used for maintaining, operating and further developing time travel technology. Large numbers of experiments are conducted particularly for time traveling related projects. Roughly 90% of the personnel sent on these missions are assigned with inner body implants or injected with black goo based miniature technology such as nano(x10e-9) or femto(x10e-15) technologies. When selecting candidates for both time traveling missions and experiments, advanced DNA profiling is conducted to determine which individuals have the strongest propensity and physical attributes necessary to safely conduct a time traveling mission. As it turns out, individuals with particular DNA ancestry are far more predisposed for handling and withstanding the different electromagnetic and energetic fluctuations that take place during time travel. An interesting thing to note about experiment participants is that participants do not need to be de-aged back at the end of the mission because their bodies do not age at all in the first place during the time travel experience. 

As mentioned earlier, personnel for time travel based missions are usually selected based on sophisticated DNA profiling and measuring the degree of connection between the ideal candidate and their more psychically advanced ancestors. Individuals with enhanced psychic abilities such as telepathy, mind reading, telekinesis, and clairvoyance are highly sought after. This is because these abilities allow for personnel and operatives to see potential future outcomes that allow them to maneuver away from catastrophic timelines and outcomes. According to the ACIO database, there are at least 2000 recorded instances of elite level time travel operatives saving our context of existence and reality from complete collapse. 

Individuals chosen to go on time travel missions are often steeped with a strong military background and profile. Individuals who come from a strong lineage of military family members and relatives are typically selected for these projects, however this selection is typically followed by a rigorous testing process to determine who gets confirmed for final placement. Typically, soldiers deployed on these missions can gather clairvoyant insight on wars and various battles in other contexts of existence because of their enhanced psychic vision. On the other hand, civilian non-military operatives are specifically chosen to work on developing and further enhancing time travel technology via experiments. 

Civilian operatives chosen for the time traveling projects can easily vary all across the age spectrum. The ACIO has received reports of children as young as 6 years old being used for R&D for time travel technologies to individuals as old as in their 60s. Candidates chosen for these projects are often prioritized based on various mental abilities and then further enhanced genetically to further bolster their effectiveness within the time traveling programs. 

Full Interview with Peter on 20 & Back Time Travel

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