The Shadow group consists of elite specials ops soldiers recruited from different branches and nations to form a private sector organization committed to enforcing its own interests and agendas. To put it simply, the Shadow Group is likely the most dangerous and negatively oriented group that is currently known to the ACIO. Much like the name would imply, the organization is a quintessential manifestation of the most negative, controlling, and destructive agendas being imposed onto the planet. The Shadow group uses a combination of espionage, military operations, global terrorism, and propaganda in order to carry out their goals of world domination. From what is currently known, the organization does not answer to any recognizable authority and so functions as a rogue group that is willing to resort to any extreme measure necessary to secure its interests.
The majority of operatives within the group are largely off grid and don’t officially exist on any public record while some have been categorized as deceased while taking on new identities. Through various investigations, the ACIO was able to discover that the Shadow Group’s agendas towards world domination are based not necessarily on using force, but by using deception and manipulation on the biggest power centers in society to create a centralized control system within every major nation. Their typical modus operandi involves engineering conflicts between 2 different parties or groups while manipulating both sides of the conflict in the form of controlled opposition. Just like many other secret groups, much of their power comes from secrecy and the general public’s inability to monitor or hold these groups accountable for anything. Secret organizations like the Shadow Group have long understood that applying direct force to achieve control is completely ineffective as this naturally fosters a counterbalancing force against their agendas. But by standing in the background to manipulate key figures and constructs on both sides of the conflict, they can gain control while expending minimal resources.
The Shadow Group initially established its sphere of influence within the former Soviet region and eventually spread throughout Asia. Within each major nation, they would establish a centralized control system that would allow them to steer world affairs wherever they chose. From behind the scenes they would sabotage and distort peaceful relations and sew division between the eastern and western world.
Some of their known activities include manipulating international relations, triggering arms races between nations during the cold war, expansion of NATO and Agenda 30, the recent Russian-Ukraine conflict, as well as the Great Reset and continued lockdown and control of humanity. Their eventual goal is to trigger another mass conflict through WW3 to help cull the population.
As mentioned earlier, the Shadow Group does not appear to answer to any legitimate governing authority and so is willing to go through whatever extremes necessary to achieve world domination and control regardless of the damage and cost to human life. For this reason, The ACIO categorizes the Shadow Group as among the most dangerous organization on the planet and the greatest threat to human sovereignty and evolution.
Key Agents and Known Operatives:
- John Lynch/ AKA Martin Burke: Head of the Shadow Group and maintains primary influence over the United States, North and South America. Lynch closely resembles the actor Patrick Wilson in his role in the 2010 film “A-Team”.
- Peter Toth: Maintains control and jurisdiction over the Czech Republic and the Slavic territory of nations.
- Roman Barkoff: Recently featured in the 2019 video game “Call of Duty Modern Warfare” as a Soviet General. Maintains control and jurisdiction over the Former Soviet and Chinese territory.
- Alim Ben Sekah: Specials ops sniper for the Shadow Group.
- Elai Rizav: Maintains control and jurisdiction over Israel and the Middle East Region.
Shadow Group Structure:
- Geneologists: The group is known to be involved in various genetic research.
- Bio-chemical Weapons Research: Currently headed up by Deckard Shaw of the Shaw House. Deckard was recently featured in the film “Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Shaw”
- Medical Research: Largely managed by German doctors from the Nazi regime. The Wernicke brothers took a prominent role in heading up research for the Shadow Group. Rudolf Wernicke in particular was a real figure that was depicted in the video game “Outlast 2” and was involved in the Walrider project.
Recent Developments In Shadow Group Activities
In July of 2022, the ACIO discovered that the Shadow Group accessed our time-portal within the region of Western Florida and entered an unknown point of time in our future that resulted in a catastrophic event. We believe we were able to catch this on time with the assistance of the Council of Five.
The Shadow Group used the portal again to access different points in time and the following events in history could have been influenced by them through analysis of their modus operandi.

The Watergate Scandal
Bloody Sunday Inquiry
Bloody Friday
Yugoslav Smallpox Outbreak
Pioneer 10
The year 1969
Vietnam War
Chicago 8 Trial
Red Army Faction
The Montauk Project
NOTE: The ACIO confirmed Shadow Group involvement with the Montauk Project.
Falkland Wars
Falkland Cover Up
The year 1942
World War II
Manhattan Project
Robert Oppenheimer
Hitler Runs for Presidency in Germany
The Ukrainian Holodomor
January 28th Incident