The Nazi Agenda

When it comes to explaining the history of the Nazi’s, no other group or topic brings up such universal hatred, disgust, and judgement to the point that it has become a caricature for evil itself. While it is true that Hitler and the Nazi’s did commit atrocities to levels not easily comparable to other events in history, the original inception and progression of the Nazi party was far less one sided and more complex in its origins. According to the ACIO, many of the individuals and groups throughout history who have attempted schemes of world domination, conquest, and mass slaughter have done so primarily out of intervention from negative E.T.s or organizations. Individuals such as Mao Zedong, Napoleon, and Ghengis Khan all came under intense mind control manipulation by outside groups and Hitler and the Nazi’s are no exception. It is reported by the ACIO that negative groups such as the Shaw House and an E.T. race known as the Arbons played a direct hand in influencing Hitler using mind control technology along with much of the Nazi leadership. It is reported that this negative influence began to appear as far back as during the times of the Vrill Society when Maria Orsic and Sigrun helped channel information on advanced technology from the Aldebaran and other E.T. races. During this time, the nazi’s were making attempts to psychically connect with their Aryan ancestors for good purposes, only to haphazardly connect with negative E.T. groups that would drive them towards war, conquest, and mass slaughter. This series of events would prove to be a tragedy of an immense level as the Nazi’s could have potentially acted as a neutral or even a positive force in the world had they not been co-opted and hijacked by other negative groups to ignite chaos in the world. 

In the modern day, many believe that the Nazi threat has been long gone and a thing of the past since the conclusion of World War II. Today, Nazi’s are generally known as being the subject of jokes and exaggerated comparisons and insults especially in politics. However the truth is that the Nazi threat and agenda has always been a powerful force even well after the conclusion of the war. After Hitler’s supposed suicide, much of the Nazi leadership relocated throughout parts of South America as well as Antarctica to regroup in order to eventually deploy their advanced weaponry and crafts. This is not well known by most mainstream historians, but the United States did lose a major naval battle to the Nazi’s in Antarctica during Operation Highjump. With the clear technological superiority, the war was all but won for the Nazi’s. However instead of choosing to dominate the western world by military force, which would have required intense resource expenditure, the Nazi regime instead chose to infiltrate every facet of the American leadership, media, and culture through initiatives like Operation Paperclip in order to rule from the shadows. This was referred to as the 4th Empire by the Nazi’s, however the true extent of the Nazi’s power structure went far deeper. At both the north and south poles of the planet, the Nazi’s had already established large underground cities which they referred to as the 5th empire. Its from here that they plot and execute their agendas around controlling the mainstream media, politicians, and initiate propaganda to control the minds of the public. 

Today, the ACIO strongly believes that nearly every aspect of the mainstream media and popular culture is laced with sophisticated propaganda to keep the public in a constant state of confusion while the majority of the population is in complete denial of it. With the agendas and activities taking place, the ACIO did project a highly negative trajectory for the modern world if current trends were to continue. However, on the date of April 26th, 2020, a major breakthrough occurred where our current reality was able to break free of the artificial matrix created by Monarch and Mobius that had us locked into this negative timeline. Today, our world is able to move towards a much more positive timeline and our ability to act on our free will is less hampered and restrained, however we are still experiencing some of the negative agendas from the previous negatively anchored reality as a lingering residue effect. In time, we expect this to diminish as well eventually. 

At this time, Peter projects that we are in the process of merging with another reality that is highly positive in nature. According to Peter, this new reality has far more abundance and wealth, access to greater technologies, and much fewer inequities than what we are seeing in our world today. The surprising thing that should be mentioned about this reality is that it originates from an alternate reality where the Nazi’s and axis powers primarily lead  the planet. To any educated person, this sounds like a hell-scape scenario where humanity would be dominated by tyrannical rule. However according to Peter, in this alternate reality, the Nazi’s and the Japanese never committed all the atrocities that were documented in our mainline history. As mentioned earlier, all the atrocities that we witness in our timeline was the result of Hitler and the Nazi’s being mentally hijacked and mind controlled by certain negative groups and E.T.s into going down a dark negative path. Without this influence, the Nazi’s would not have committed those atrocities and they naturally would have moved into a more positive and benevolent timeline. Again, this is very difficult to believe for anyone educated on conventional history, however this intel has been confirmed by Peter and the ACIO to be the case.

Early Nazi Crafts

Luftpanzer III: 8th generation Nazi aircraft fighter. The first generation of fighters capable of flying fast enough to bend space. Originally reverse-engineered from Nordic race technology.

Cockpit of Luftpanzer III: On the left, we can see the captain and the navigator seats. The right side is where the second navigator and weapons operator is seated.

Luftpanzer VII : 12th generation Nazi aircraft fighter. First craft to travel through wormholes powered by hydrogen-fusion engines. Capable of travel between timelines, realities, universes, dimensions, and megaverses.

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