The Numbers Group

The Numbers group is a category created by the ACIO to describe entities and individuals of advanced E.T. origin with a special agenda and mission. The group generally consists of very advanced entities from different star systems and was formed by the intergalactic council approximately 36 million years ago. Each member of the Numbers group is highly enigmatic in nature but is at least known to be assigned with a mission to follow through on a particular agenda set by the intergalactic council. Due to their special gifts and abilities, individuals classified as being apart of the Numbers group are closely monitored by the ACIO to determine if they are a threat to the planet and misuse their abilities. 

The Numbers Group is currently known to cooperate not only with the Council of 5, but all of the intergalactic councils and groups. One of the specialties of the members is that all of them can multi-locate at once as entities, or share the collective consciousness within the group. This synergy allows the group to cooperate and respond to different parts of the agenda in greater unison to operate more efficiently.

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