Intergalactic Council

The Intergalactic Council could be best compared to the United Nations (UN) on Earth, when considering the structure of many representatives from various locations. This organization decides everything that happens throughout our universe. Often their decisions are not seemingly right and fair, from our perspective. just like here on Earth, even on a cosmic scale, there may be reasons we don’t fully understand why certain things have happened. One needs to consider the perspective of objectivity, and fairness when viewed from a broader range of spectrum, where the highest good for all abounds.

It should be noted that none of what we had, or what we have, was original created here on Earth, but it was, or it is copied off something that already existed on other planets for a long time. The original intent was to create a kind of universal experimental planet where it would be possible to cross everything with everything. This was the original plan of the Intergalactic Council. In order to be sure that something like this would certainly be possible, the leaders of the Intergalactic Council chose the best they had as guardians to watch over the region of Earth and more. They chose The Council of 5. 

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